
Blogmas: Day Two

Here’s Blogmas! Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but in the CRAZEE that is coming over the next few days the idea of trying to film and edit without Jaxon creating havoc just makes me a bit more...

Halloween or Not?

Growing up Halloween was one of those things that just passed without much notice being given to it. My folks would make a sign to the affect of “you knock and we ignore you” in the hope of deterring Trick...

40 Acts (Part 3 – Day 6)

I decided that this year would also be the one when I actively tried to take part in 40acts. I get the emails sent to me each Lent but often for one reason or another I don’t manage to do it....

40 Acts (Part 2 – Day 5)

Day Five: Quiche? I decided that this year would also be the one when I actively tried to take part in 40acts. I get the emails sent to me each Lent but often for one reason or another I don’t...


Blog Every Day in November is a blogging challenge for you to write and publish a blog post every day for the entire month of November. It’s as simple as that. You can find the prompts here. PremDAC15 Today, I...