Blog Every Day in November

BEDN: Rebellion

I am so stuck! Rebellion… what a word. I guess it has negative connotations. Is there a way that rebellion can have positive connotations? I guess in a way we sort of rebelled last week. For years, when Halloween has...

Blogmas: Day One

Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but in the CRAZEE that is coming over the next few days the idea of trying to film and edit without Jaxon creating havoc just makes me a bit more stressed so...

Halloween or Not?

Growing up Halloween was one of those things that just passed without much notice being given to it. My folks would make a sign to the affect of “you knock and we ignore you” in the hope of deterring Trick...

Jaxon’s Second Birthday

With Our Sidekick and Chris being away on a residential trip this weekend, it was up to me to hold the fort and make sure Jaxon’s second birthday was celebrated well. It was almost like a warm-up for when the...

Happy New Year, Let’s Start Here

In November I had attempted to do NaBloPoMo but between one thing and another, procrastination and other more urgent things took priority. I’ve decided that I’m going to attempt to get something out there into “the wild” at least once...