Currently…10th August (BEDIA)


Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others!

Our Sidekick and I started Heroes from the beginning. I didn’t watch past Season One when it was televised it Our Sidekick and I have completed Season One and Two and started Season Three this week.

The Great British Bake Off is back which is really exiting but seriously tempting. I made a carrot cake (premix stuff rather than proper from scratch) for Chris’s birthday (although I made it on Thursday) and managed to resist cutting into it before he got home from work.

I finished the last book of The Underland Chronicles and have stalled. I was recommended Wideacre by Phillippa Gregory amongst other books and authors. I’ve got as far as downloading the Kindle sample but haven’t started it yet.

I’m still working on the blanket squares. Jaxon has taken to emptying the box of squares all over floor each day at least once. I’m intending to empty my corner and attempt to condense what is there as my wool boxes are in the kitchen and could probably be included in the rearranging. I actually jotted this down at the end of last week. On Thursday while dinner was cooking I had my wool out all over the floor and got it sorted. There’s one carrier bag of wool to be either be delivered to the charity shop or to sell at Jumble Trail on the 6th September. I’ve also been tempted to try and make a cardboard Midori Traveler’s Notebook so that I can at least get started and try it out before my eBay sort of bargain arrives this week.

Eating has varied this last week. The beginning of the week wasn’t great. It got better towards the end of the week and minus Saturday has been better. I’m determined to stand on the scales with a loss so from Sunday morning to Tuesday morning I need to be good. Really good.

Working On 
Getting the house back in order it’s fluctuating between a bomb site and a mess. Hopefully I can get back on track. It started yesterday afternoon by actually putting time in the diary to put away clothes – I think I put more away that Chris but I did also sort Jaxon’s clothes a bit more. He seems to be in between two different sizes at the moment. His body is in 12-18 months but his waist is so little and legs are on the short side so he’s still in 9-12 month trousers. It does mean that we have a lot of clothes out and they won’t get cleared for a little while it seems.

Blog Every Day in August

It’s August and I’m joining a few of my blogger friends to blog every day this month, at least around here you’ll be able to find all my posts under BEDIA. Be sure to check out their blogs too.

Ashley | BethBrittney | Hannah | Karen | Michelle | Shelby