BEDA Day 15

{ Reading makes you grow ,, Originally uploaded by B a r ش a I always thought that I read alot but the more that I look at my 100 Books list I seem to have slowed down. I managed...

BEDA Day 14

I found two fab dresses on the supermarket website – I just need to go have a look see if they have them in store (to make sure that they fit and that the comment of “knee length” is actually...
Blog Every Day in April (BEDA)

BEDA Day 13

Yesterday afternoon Rickie directed me to India Knight’s Blog and her list of ultimate comfort reads. When I’m poorly, if I’m not sleeping then reading or watching a DVD tends to be next on the list – mainly because reading...
Blog Every Day in April (BEDA)

BEDA Day 12

Evening! Okay so on the other side of the world it’s the morning but there we go. I need your help. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it but I’m going to talk about It Starts With Us and...
Blog Every Day in April (BEDA)

BEDA Day 11

So today is Wednesday and I’m sure I should be writing some really deep and meaningful post but I’m having a really bad day and really don’t feel like writing tonight. I’m going to read in bed in a few...